24/7: Posts
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WebRTC in WebKitGTK and WPE, status updates, part I
import mermaid from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mermaid@9/dist/mermaid.esm.min.mjs';
mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: true });
Some time ago we at Igalia embarked on the journey to ship
a GStreamer-powered WebRTC backend. This is
a long
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Writing Bindable API, 2023 Edition
First of all, you should go on the gobject-introspection website and read the page on how to write bindable API. What I’m going to write here is going to build...
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SuperTuxKart Vulkan vs OpenGL and Zink status on Raspberry Pi 4
SuperTuxKart Vulkan vs OpenGL The latest SuperTuxKart release comes with an experimental Vulkan renderer and I was eager to check it out on my Raspbery Pi 4 and see how...
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How Shadow DOM and accessibility are in conflict
Shadow DOM allows web developers to create and use components which encapsulate their internals. Like encapsulation in any other programming context, being able to hide the implementation details of an...
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A Leap of Decades
I’ve heard it said there are two kinds of tech power users: the ones who constantly update to stay on the bleeding edge, and the ones who update only when...
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2023Q1 week log
I tend to keep quite a lot of notes on the development related (sometimes at work, sometimes not) I do on a week-by-week basis, and thought it might be fun...
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Rust for VGEM
In the last blog post, I pointed out that I didn’t know exactly what it would be my next steps for the near future. Gladly, I had the amazing opportunity...
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Journey Through Freedreno
Android running Freedreno As part of my training at Igalia I’ve been attempting to write a new backend for Freedreno that targets the proprietary “KGSL” kernel mode driver. For those...
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Installing kernel modules faster with multithread XZ
As a kernel developer, everyday I need to compile and install custom kernels, and any improvement in this workflow means to be more productive. While installing my fresh compiled modules,...
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Commercially available RISC-V silicon
The RISC-V instruction set architecture has seen huge excitement and growth in recent years (10B cores estimated to have shipped as of Dec 2022) and I've been keeping very busy...
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Igalia on Reforestation
Igalia started the Reforestation project in 2019. As one of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts, the Reforestation project focuses on conserving and expanding native, old growth forests to...
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Binary floats can let us down! When close enough isn't enough
How binary floating points can let us downIf you've played Monopoly, you'll know abuot the Bank Error in Your Favor card in the Community Chest. Remember this?A bank error in...
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