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"Come see us in July!"

The Northern summer months are usually a quiet time for conferences, and this year is no exception. That said, Igalians will be on-site at two conferences in July:

  • 13–16 July: GUADEC, the GNOME conference, where Emmanuele Bassi will present the talk “Oxidizing GTK” and Philip Chimento will take part in a panel titled “JavaScript in GNOME - new features and community”
  • 26–31 July: FOSSY, the Free and Open Source Software Yearly conference, where Valerie Young will present the talk “Inside Igalia: Scaling a Co-Op Beyond 100 Members” and Clayton Craft will moderate a panel discussion on tech co-ops

We always enjoy talking with people at events, so if you’ll be on hand for any of the above shows, please say hi! And if you have any questions regarding any of our appearances, or you’d just like to learn more about Igalia, please feel free to reach out.