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"The A11Y Project announces matching donations campaign for open-prioritization"

Two weeks ago, Igalia announced that we would add $200 to whichever of the projects in our open-prioritization experiment received the most individual pledges of any size by the end of the week, promoting the imporance and power of developers through small-dollar pledges, and encouraging that others should feel free to offer their own incentives or endorsements. These matching funds went to :focus-visible in WebKit.

This week, The A11Y Project, a community supported effort itself, announced (currently in a close second place) that they would match up to $1000 in pledges toward inert in WebKit and encouraged others to consider similar actions. We are exceptionally pleased and encouraged by this effort and to those who have pledged because of it. .if you are interested in supporting inert please make your donation, then let them know about it via their contact form afterwards so that they can make their matching pledges.