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"Today we have released our completely revamped Igalia website. This new structure honors much..."

After too much time with our webpage almost forgotten and without many updates, our web did not show what we are nowadays. So we decided to create a new structure that shows better what Igalia is today and we took the opportunity to add a new design, created by a Galician company A Navalla Suíza.

We have focused our efforts in creating a dynamic website that is fed automatically with multiple sources of information provided by Igalians like blog posts, upstream contributions or micro-blogging services, in a new simpler and modern structure.

It is divided into the next sections:

  • Work: Information on our experience.
  • Igalia 24/7: Who we are and updates on Igalians' activities.
  • Join Us: Why you should join us and how.
  • About Us: Our values and commitments.
  • Contact: Our contact information.

We hope you enjoy our new website!